<string name="AW_SaveConfig">Save the changes?</string>
<string name="AW_DeleteWindow">Are you sure you want to delete the selected item?</string>
<string name="AW_RestoreToDefault">You are about to replace the current settings of selected rules with the All Windows ones. If you proceed the current settings will be lost!
Are you sure you want to proceed?</string>
<string name="CQA_CloseQueryMessage">Are you sure you want to close the '%s' window?</string>
<!-- Common Values -->
<string name="CV_MeasureMapping">pixels=pixels;monitor_percents=% of current monitor;percents=% of desktop</string>
<string name="Command_WindowRuleCopySettings_Hint">Replace current settings (except for the Target Window options) of the selected window rule with those defined in another rule specified further</string>
<string name="WFP_FindWindowHint"><- LEFT-CLICK HERE
Then drag the crosshair (without releasing the left mouse button) over a window to select it, then release the left mouse button - and in the text fields above you will see the selected window's caption, class and program.
Use this feature ONLY WHEN you create a new Window Rule.</string>
<string name="WFP_SelectWindowButton">Select Window from List</string>
<string name="TBTDP_Description">Define which extra buttons should be added to a title bar</string>
<string name="TBTDP_Actions_Caption"> Actions Available Via Title Buttons </string>
<string name="TBTDP_EnableAllActions_Hint">Enable ALL title button actions</string>
<string name="TBTDP_DisableAllActions_Hint">Disable ALL title button actions</string>
<string name="TBTDP_ButtonsShiftLabel_Caption">Shift the buttons</string>
<string name="TBTDP_ButtonShiftLabel_Caption">Shift the button</string>
<string name="TBTDP_ButtonsShiftLabel_Hint">Value supplied here is relative to an automatically detected placeholder; positive will shift to the left, negative will shift to the right</string>
<string name="TBTDP_ShowDisabledButtons_Hint">Show the special button which gives an access to actions of currently disabled buttons</string>
<string name="TBTDP_AddButton_Caption">Via title button</string>
<string name="TBTDP_PanelSummary_Caption">Here you can supplement the standard set of Minimize, Maximize/Restore and Close title buttons to get an advanced control of target window in a usual manner: each action shown in the action list means a separate title button, so you should mark checkboxes of actions which you want to execute on the target window via extra title buttons.</string>
<!-- Window Menu Detail Panel -->
<string name="WMTDP_Caption">Window Menu</string>
<string name="WMTDP_Description">Define which extra items should be added to a system window menu</string>
<string name="WMTDP_Actions_Caption"> Actions Available Via System Window Menu </string>
<string name="WMTDP_EnableAllActions_Hint">Enable ALL window menu actions</string>
<string name="WMTDP_DisableAllActions_Hint">Disable ALL window menu actions</string>
<string name="WMTDP_AddMenuCommand_Caption">Via window menu item</string>
<string name="WMTDP_PanelSummary_Caption">Here you can supplement target window's standard window menu with new extra options for enhanced window control. Each action shown in the action list means separate window menu option. Mark checkboxes of actions which you want to execute on the target window via extra menu options.</string>
<string name="TWADP_SetWhenMoving_Hint">Temporarily set the selected level of transparency while you drag the target window across the desktop, and then restore the previous level</string>
<string name="TWADP_SetWhenResizing_Hint">Temporarily set the selected level of transparency while you resize the target window, and then restore the previous level</string>
<string name="TWADP_SetWhenInactive_Hint">Set the selected level of transparency while the target window is inactive, and restore the previous level when window is reactived</string>
<string name="TWADP_MouseHoverChange_Hint">Set the selected level of transparency while the mouse pointer hovers over the target window, and then restore the previous level</string>
<string name="TWADP_HoverDelay_Caption">Delay before change</string>
<string name="TWADP_HoverDelay_Hint">Set the selected level of transparency after the specified amount of milliseconds (0 - change immediately)</string>
<string name="TWADP_LeaveDelay_Caption">Delay before restoration</string>
<string name="TWADP_LeaveDelay_Hint">Restore the previous level of transparency after the specified amount of milliseconds (0 - restore immediately)</string>
<string name="TWADP_ManualControl_Caption"> Make Window Transparent Manually </string>
<string name="TWADP_AddButton_Hint">Add title button for a control of transparency level</string>
<string name="TWADP_AddMenuCommand_Hint">Append window system menu with a submenu of transparency options</string>
<string name="TWADP_PanelSummary_Caption">Window transparency can vary from 0% (opaque window) to 100% (fully transparent, or invisible, window), and can be applied to the target window in many different ways shown here.</string>
<!-- Ghost Detail Panel -->
<string name="GWADP_Caption">Ghost</string>
<string name="GWADP_Description">Control the "ghost" state</string>
<string name="GWADP_Options_Caption"> Make Window a Ghost Automatically </string>
<string name="GWADP_Off_Caption">Never</string>
<string name="GWADP_Off_Hint">"Unghost" target window upon its startup</string>
<string name="GWADP_Inactive_Hint">"Ghost" target window upon its deactivation and then restore it to a normal state when it is activated again</string>
<string name="GWADP_ButtonMenu_Caption"> Toggle Ghost State Manually </string>
<string name="GWADP_AddButton_Hint">Add title button for toggling the "ghost" state</string>
<string name="GWADP_AddMenuCommand_Hint">Append window system menu with an option for toggling the "ghost" state</string>
<string name="GWADP_PanelSummary_Caption">When window becomes "a ghost" it starts to pass through all mouse clicks to its underlying windows (but it keeps responding to keyboard actions); for example, you can't close a ghost window by clicking its Close button but you can close it using the Alt+F4 hotkey.</string>
<!-- Minimizing Detail Panel -->
<string name="MMTDP_Caption">Minimizing</string>
<string name="MMTDP_Description">Control how and when to minimize</string>
<string name="MMTDP_PreventRestore_Hint">If window tries to activate itself while minimized then deny its restoration and keep it minimized until you restore it yourself</string>
<string name="MMTDP_PanelSummary_Caption">Minimized window can be placed either to the taskbar (default behavior), to the system tray (special area on the taskbar near the clock), or on the screen (as a floating icon).</string>
<!-- Size Detail Panel -->
<string name="SWSADP_Caption">Size</string>
<string name="SWSADP_Description">Control the size</string>
<string name="SWSADP_StretchByRightClick_Hint">Right-click any edge/corner of target window's border to stretch it towards a corresponding desktop edge/corner</string>
<string name="SWSADP_SaveSizeOnExit_Caption">Save size on exit</string>
<string name="SWSADP_SaveSizeOnExit_Hint">Save window dimensions on closing and restore them next time</string>
<string name="SWSADP_ResizeOptions_Caption"> New Window Size </string>
<string name="SWSADP_Predefined_Hint">Select one of predefined sizes (see Actions -> Options -> Resize Action)</string>
<string name="SWSADP_PanelSummary_Caption">Both window dimensions can be set independently, either in absolute units (pixels) or in relative units (as a percent of an appropriate desktop/current monitor dimension). Window size can be adjusted in many ways shown here.</string>
<!-- Position Detail Panel -->
<string name="AWADP_Caption">Position</string>
<string name="AWADP_Description">Control the position</string>
<string name="AWADP_AutomaticControl_Caption"> Change Window Position Automatically </string>
<string name="AWADP_MoveToMonitorAtStartup_Caption">Move at startup to</string>
<string name="AWADP_MoveToMonitorAtStartup_Hint">Place target window upon its startup to the monitor specified below</string>
<string name="AWADP_AlignAtStartup_Caption">Align at startup to</string>
<string name="AWADP_AlignAtStartup_Hint">Align target window at its startup to the desktop in conformance with specified shift values</string>
<string name="AWADP_PositionShifts_Caption"> Position </string>
<string name="AWADP_ShowRegion_Hint">Press and hold this button to display the area of allowed placement defined by currently specified limits</string>
<string name="AWADP_RepositionEnabled_Hint">In multi-monitor environment automatically relocate windows which were placed between two (or more) monitors</string>
<string name="AWADP_CenterToMonitor_Caption">Center in monitor</string>
<string name="AWADP_CenterToMonitor_Hint">Move split window to the center of the monitor defined below (use this option while working in a multi-monitor environment locally)</string>
<string name="AWADP_RepositionParentMonitor_Hint">Relocate split window to a monitor where its parent window (usually main application window) resides</string>
<string name="AWADP_RepositionSpecifiedMonitor_Hint">Relocate split window to the exactly specified monitor</string>
<string name="AWADP_CenterToPoint_Caption">Center to point</string>
<string name="AWADP_CenterToPoint_Hint">Place split window so its center will coincide with the point defined below (use this option if having a multi-monitor client connected to Remote Desktop or Terminal Server)</string>
<string name="AWADP_CenterInParent_Caption">Center in parent window (if present)</string>
<string name="AWADP_CenterInParent_Hint">If split window has a parent window (usually main application window) then place split window to the center of this parent window</string>
<string name="AWADP_ManualControl_Caption"> Change Window Position Manually </string>
<string name="AWADP_AddButton_Hint">Add title button for aligning the target window in a specified way</string>
<string name="AWADP_AddMenuCommand_Hint">Append window system menu with a submenu of position options</string>
<string name="AWADP_SavePos_Caption">Save position on exit</string>
<string name="AWADP_SavePos_Hint">Save window's position on closing and restore it next time</string>
<string name="AWADP_PanelSummary_Caption">Window placement can be set by aligning it in 9 predefined ways, and also it can be restricted by limiting window's top-left and/or bottom-right corners.</string>
<!-- Rollup Detail Panel -->
<string name="WRADP_Caption">Rollup</string>
<string name="WRADP_Description">Control how and when to roll up</string>
<string name="WRADP_AutomaticControl_Caption"> Window Will Be Automatically </string>
<string name="WRADP_AutomaticRollup_Caption">Rolled up if inactive</string>
<string name="WRADP_AutomaticRollup_Hint">Roll target window up automatically upon its deactivation</string>
<string name="WRADP_AutomaticUnroll_Caption">Unrolled if active</string>
<string name="WRADP_AutomaticUnroll_Hint">Unroll target window automatically upon its activation</string>
<string name="WRADP_RollupDelay_Caption">Delay before rolling up</string>
<string name="WRADP_RollupDelay_Hint">Roll target window up after the specified amount of milliseconds (0 - roll up immediately)</string>
<string name="WRADP_UnrollDelay_Caption">Delay before unrolling</string>
<string name="WRADP_UnrollDelay_Hint">Unroll target window after the specified amount of milliseconds (0 - unroll immediately)</string>
<string name="WRADP_MouseHover_Caption">Unrolled while being mouse-hovered</string>
<string name="WRADP_MouseHover_Hint">Temporarily unroll target window while the mouse pointer hovers over it</string>
<string name="WRADP_ManualControl_Caption"> Roll Window Up Manually </string>
<string name="WRADP_AddButton_Hint">Add title button for toggling target window's rolled/unrolled state</string>
<string name="WRADP_AddMenuCommand_Hint">Append window system menu with an option for toggling target window's rolled/unrolled state</string>
<string name="WRADP_Manual_Caption">Via title bar double-click</string>
<string name="WRADP_Manual_Hint">Toggle rolled/unrolled state by double-clicking target window's title bar</string>
<string name="WRADP_StayOnTop_Hint">Make target window always-on-top while it is rolled up</string>
<string name="WRADP_PanelSummary_Caption">Rolling up (or shading) a window means that window's contents will be hidden but window's title bar will remain visible and interactive.</string>
<!-- Closing Detail Panel -->
<string name="CWDP_Caption">Closing</string>
<string name="CWDP_Description">Control how and when to close</string>
<string name="CWDP_AutomaticControl_Caption"> Close Window Automatically </string>
<string name="CPPADP_InactivePriority_Hint">Assign this priority upon target window's deactivation, and then restore the previous priority upon target window's reactivation</string>
<string name="CPPADP_MinimizePriority_Hint">Assign this priority upon target window's minimization, and then restore the previous priority upon target window's restoration</string>
<string name="CPPADP_AddButton_Hint">Add title button for changing target window program's priority</string>
<string name="CPPADP_AddMenuCommand_Hint">Append window system menu with a submenu of priority options</string>
<string name="CPPADP_NewPriority_Caption">New program priority</string>
<string name="CPPADP_PanelSummary_Caption">Priority defines how much CPU time is granted to target window's application. Assigning lower priorities to minimized or inactive applications provides more effective use of CPU resources.</string>
<!-- Startup Detail Panel -->
<string name="SDP_Caption">Startup</string>
<string name="SDP_Description">Adjust the initial state</string>
<string name="SDP_Actions_Caption"> Actions Available At Window Startup </string>
<string name="SDP_EnableAllActions_Hint">Enable ALL startup actions</string>
<string name="SDP_DisableAllActions_Hint">Disable ALL startup actions</string>
<string name="SDP_RunAs_Caption">Window will be opened as</string>
<string name="SDP_RunAs_Hint">Select the desired run mode</string>
<string name="SDP_StayOnTopRestore_Hint">Remember the last Always-on-Top state on target window's closing and restore it next time the target window is opened</string>
<string name="SDP_StayOnTopLeave_Caption">Leave as is</string>
<string name="SDP_SaveCurrentOperationHint">Remember the last state on closing and restore it next time</string>
<string name="SDP_ChangeWindowStyle_Caption">Remove standard window parts</string>
<string name="SDP_ChangeWindowStyle_Hint">Remove standard window parts (such as title buttons, border or title bar itself) from the target window (use with care!)</string>
<string name="SDP_ChangeWindowStyle_Border_Caption">Border and title bar</string>
<string name="SDP_ChangeWindowStyle_Border_Hint">Remove window border including the title bar</string>
<string name="SDP_ChangeWindowStyle_SizableFrame_Hint">Remove the resizable frame from the target window so it can't be resized any more</string>
<string name="SDP_ChangeWindowStyle_SystemMenu_Caption">Title bar's icon and buttons</string>
<string name="SDP_ChangeWindowStyle_SystemMenu_Hint">Remove the icon placed on the left of target window's title bar as well as its standard "Minimize", "Maximize/Restore" and "Close" buttons</string>
<string name="SDP_ChangeWindowStyle_MaximizeBox_Hint">Remove only the standard "Maximize" caption button</string>
<string name="SDP_PanelSummary_Caption">Mark checkboxes of desired actions in the list above to automatically execute them when the target window is just opened anew. Enabled actions will be executed in the order as they are presented in the list. Select the desired action in the list to adjust its extra options, if available.</string>
<string name="GOP_EnableTrayIcon_Hint">Show %appname%'s icon in the system tray while the Control Center is loaded</string>
<string name="GOP_EnableRuleSettings_Caption">Extend every window's system menu with the "Manage Window Settings" option</string>
<string name="GOP_EnableRuleSettings_Hint">Right-click on the window's title bar to access the "Manage Window Rule" submenu for creating/modifying/reapplying a Specific/Excluded Window rule for this window</string>
<string name="GOP_EnableRuleSettingsButton_Caption">Add "Manage Window Settings" button to every window's title bar</string>
<string name="GOP_EnableRuleSettingsButton_Hint">Add the special "Manage Window Settings" button for a quick management of window settings</string>
<string name="GOP_EnableLogging_Hint">Track each new window appearance and store all relevant information (applied rule, window class, caption etc.) to the log file</string>
<string name="RAOP_CommonResizeOptions_Caption"> Common Resizing Options </string>
<string name="RAOP_ShowCurrentSize_Caption">Show current size in the context menu</string>
<string name="RAOP_ShowCurrentSize_Hint">Detect window's current size and display corresponding dimensions in the "Resize Window" context menu</string>
<string name="RAOP_MakeVisible_Caption">Keep window within the desktop boundaries after resizing</string>
<string name="RAOP_MakeVisible_Hint">If window exceeds the boundaries of the desktop after resizing then try to adjust its position to fit entirely within the desktop</string>
<string name="MTAOP_SmoothTransparency_Hint">Change the transparency from one level to another not instantly but smoothly (the fast video adapter is required!)</string>
<string name="WLOP_AutoScale_Hint">Relocate currently opened windows automatically to keep their relative placement upon the change of desktop resolution</string>
<string name="WLOP_ScaleResize_Caption">Resize along with desktop</string>
<string name="WLOP_ScaleResize_Hint">Resize currently opened windows automatically to keep their sizes relative to each other and to desktop upon the change of desktop resolution</string>
<string name="WLOP_PanelSummary_Caption">Automatic keeping of windows layout is extremely useful when you often change your desktop resolution - for example, when working with your PC locally and via the Remote Desktop client, or switching from the multi-monitor to single-monitor configuration and vice versa. This feature preserves you from routine window manipulations - reducing window sizes and relocating them back to visible area when you switch from higher to lower resolution, and vice versa.</string>
<string name="UIOP_HideWhenTargeting_Caption">Hide Configuration Module while using the Window Finder</string>
<string name="UIOP_HideWhenTargeting_Hint">Hide the main window of Configuration Module application while dragging the crosshair of Window Finder tool</string>
<string name="EmailNotificationsForm_SubscribeOption">Subscribe to the newsletter</string>
<string name="EmailNotificationsForm_UnsubscribeOption">Unsubscribe from the newsletter</string>
<string name="EmailNotificationsForm_Info">If you would like to be informed about the latest news about our products, want to receive notifications about new releases, contests and special discount offers regarding our products, just subscribe to our special newsletter.
We guarantee that your e-mail address will not be transferred to any third parties or used improperly.
Choose one of the following options to subscribe to or unsubscribe from our newsletter.</string>
<!-- Evaluation Form -->
<string name="EvalForm_BenefitsLabel">Registration entitles you to the following benefits...</string>
<string name="EvalForm_RegistrationBenefits">1. Your name will be shown in the About dialog.
2. Registration reminder will never pop up again.
3. Removal of the %evaldayscount% day trial limitation.
4. Free minor upgrades (e.g., from 4.0 to 4.5).
5. Free technical support via e-mail.</string>
<string name="EvalForm_BenefitsLabel1">Minimize Program Windows Anywhere!</string>
<string name="EvalForm_RegistrationBenefits1">Does your task tray get cluttered as you launch and work in 5-10 applications at a time? Purchase %appname% and minimize applications to ANY convenient location on the desktop where they will be even easier to find and restore!</string>
<string name="EvalForm_BenefitsLabel2">Roll Active Windows Up for Instant Access to the Inactive Ones Obscured Behind Them.</string>
<string name="EvalForm_RegistrationBenefits2">Do you need to quickly switch between windows? Purchase %appname% and roll up foreground windows for instant access to background windows. With the Roll Up feature you will be able to avoid annoyingly excessive mouse movement and clicks.</string>
<string name="EvalForm_BenefitsLabel3">Keep Important Windows Always on Top!</string>
<string name="EvalForm_RegistrationBenefits3">Are you frustrated at the prospect of opening, minimizing, moving, reshuffling and then closing the same handful of application windows hundreds of times each day - only to immediately discover you have got to open the one you just closed all over again? Purchase %appname% and configure these windows to remain visible with Stay-on-Top while automatically sizing them to your favorite, optimum dimensions.</string>
<string name="EvalForm_BenefitsLabel4">Learn to Draw Professional-Quality Pictures!</string>
<string name="EvalForm_RegistrationBenefits4">Want to learn to draw like a pro? Purchase %appname% and get started! Open any image file in Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photo-Paint, or any bitmap editing program, create a new, blank image file, make it semi-transparent and draw an outline of the image behind it. After some practice tracing go on to create your own images!</string>
<string name="EvalForm_BenefitsLabel5">Control Windows' Launch at Startup!</string>
<string name="EvalForm_RegistrationBenefits5">Are you irritated by unruly application windows popping up when the system starts? Purchase %appname% and gain complete control over them with an array of functions to minimize, resize, and/or reposition them on the desktop YOUR WAY!</string>
<string name="EvalForm_BenefitsLabel6">Save the Current Windows' Layout as Default.</string>
<string name="EvalForm_RegistrationBenefits6">Are you tired of having to arrange the same pop-up windows every time the system starts? Purchase %appname% and save the current position and size of pop-up windows once and for all, so that their arrangement is restored next time you start Windows.</string>
<string name="EvalForm_BenefitsLabel7">Save $75 on the Purchase of %appname%.</string>
<string name="EvalForm_RegistrationBenefits7">Want to get over 40 indispensable tools (that Microsoft missed) to increase your productivity, simplify your work AND save you money? Purchase %appname% and save up to $75 over the cost of buying our individual Windows tools separately.</string>
<string name="EvalForm_BenefitsLabel8">Configure Window Behavior in a Flash.</string>
<string name="EvalForm_RegistrationBenefits8">Want to configure the look and behavior of your windows in a flash? Standard in all our programs, the "Default Window Rule" feature allows you quick establishing of global parameters and apply them to ALL windows automatically. (Of course manual configuration of individual windows is also available.) Get our entire arsenal of smart tools and you are on your way to more productive and trouble-free computing than you have ever imagined. Order now!</string>
<string name="EvalForm_BenefitsLabel9">Support of All Windows Platforms.</string>
<string name="EvalForm_RegistrationBenefits9">Whether you have Windows XP or any older OS version, our program is optimized to run fast and flawlessly on all of them, including Windows 95 and 98. Buy all smart tools for efficient work. Order now!</string>
<string name="EvalForm_BenefitsLabel10">Access to New Window Controls.</string>
<string name="EvalForm_RegistrationBenefits10">Innovative new window controls can be accessed via Windows-style title bar buttons conveniently located adjacent to the standard Windows Minimize/Restore/Close buttons. Better still, these same functions can be triggered by way of a mouse-activated window menu or user-configurable "hot key" keyboard shortcuts. Order now!</string>
<!-- Comma-separated numbers of Registration Benefits above that can appear in -->
<string name="RF_RegSuccessful">Registration is successful!</string>
<string name="RF_ThanksAndReload">Thank you for registering!
Please restart the application to complete the registration process.</string>
<string name="RF_RegFailed">Registration has failed!</string>
<string name="RF_IncorrectCode">The Name/Code combination is invalid.</string>
<!-- Tell a Friend Form -->
<string name="TFF_Caption">Tell a friend about Actual Tools</string>
<string name="TFF_LaterCommand">Later</string>
<string name="TFF_Info">Actual Tools offers over 40 smart tools that will enable you to minimize windows to anywhere on the desktop, roll them up, make them semi-transparent, place and keep them on top, resize and reposition them in an instant, and perform a host of other useful operations.
With our products you will be able to effectively eliminate burdensome taskbar clutter and avoid thousands of disconcerting clicks and errors.
Whether newbies, power users, or IT professionals - we are certain that you, your friends, and colleagues alike will be delighted with the "work smarter" tools that Microsoft actually forgot to include in Windows: Actual Tools... and we invite you to join our growing client base of happy customers for whom the frustrations of computing before Actual Tools quickly become a faded memory.
Why not help them start working smarter by telling them about us today? Please, inform them about us so that they can benefit from our products too.
<string name="TFF_MessageSubject">40 Smart Tools for Maximum PC operating efficiency</string>
<string name="TFF_MessageBody">Hi Reader!
Actual Window Manager
Features: minimize to tray/on screen, roll up, stay always-on-top, make semi-transparent, change priority, auto-position/resize and many useful others.
<string name="IWF_SourceTitle">What product do you want to import from?</string>
<string name="IWF_PreviousVersion">Previous version of:</string>
<string name="IWF_FilenameTitle">File to import the configuration from:</string>
<string name="IWF_NameConflictTitle">In the case of rule names conflict (when an imported rule has the same name as one of the window rules in your current configuration):</string>
<string name="IWF_Replace">Over&write the existent rule</string>
<string name="IWF_Rename">&Rename the imported rule</string>
<string name="IWF_Skip">&Skip importing the rule</string>
<string name="IWF_Ask">&Prompt for every conflicting rule</string>
<string name="IWF_ImportDefault">Import the &Default Window Rule</string>
<string name="IWF_ImportOptions">Import the &Options</string>
<string name="IWF_SummaryTitle">Ready to Import</string>
<string name="IWF_SummaryReplace">replace the old window rule with the imported rule</string>
<string name="IWF_SummaryRename">add the imported rule with a different name</string>
<string name="IWF_SummarySkip">skip importing the rule</string>
<string name="Action_CloseQuery_Hint">Totally ignore all left-clicks on window's "Close" [X] button, or confirm window's close with special query dialog</string>
<string name="Action_MoveToMonitor_KeepRatio_Hint">Reduce/enlarge window dimensions accordingly when moving to a monitor with a lower/higher resolution</string>
<string name="Action_MoveToMonitor_KeepVisible_Hint">If window exceeds the boundaries of the target monitor then relocate and resize it so it will entirely fit the target monitor</string>
<string name="Action_PasteFromClipboard_Hint">Paste from clipboard</string>
<string name="Action_PinToDesktop_Caption">Pin to desktop</string>
<string name="Action_PinToDesktop_Hint">"Stick" window to desktop's surface so it lies beneath all other windows and cannot be minimized in any way, including system "Minimize All"/"Show Desktop" commands</string>
<string name="Action_StayOnTop_Hint">Make window "always on top" to prevent it from being covered by other windows even if it becomes inactive</string>
<string name="Action_WindowRollup_Hint">Roll window up like blinds/curtains so its contents becomes hidden and only its titlebar remains visible and interactive</string>
<string name="Action_RESIZEWINDOWACTION_LocalizedParams">RWA_Resize=Resize window;RWA_ResizeTo=Resize window to;RWA_Custom=Custom size...;RWA_DialogCaption=Custom Size;RWA_Width=change width to:;RWA_Height=change height to:;RWA_Pixels=pixels;RWA_PercentD=% of desktop;RWA_PercentM=% of current monitor;RESTORESIZEPOS_Caption=Restore size;RWA_CurrentSize=Current size:;RWA_Unchanged=-;BC_OK=OK;BC_Cancel=Cancel</string>
<string name="Action_RULESETTINGSACTION_LocalizedParams">RSA_Manage=Manage Window Settings;RSA_ChangeDefaultRule=Modify default settings;NEWRULE_Caption=Create specific settings for this window;RSA_ChangeRule=Modify specific settings '%s';EXCLUDERULE_Caption=Exclude this window from %appname% processing;REAPPLYRULE_Caption=Reapply settings</string>
<string name="Action_SENDTOBOTTOMACTION_LocalizedParams">SENDTOBOTTOM_Caption=Send to bottom</string>
<string name="Action_SHOWDISABLEDBUTTONSACTION_LocalizedParams">SHOWDISABLEDBUTTONS_Caption=Access the commands of currently disabled title buttons</string>